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Look Who’s Back!

I have written and deleted so many times, and I’ve spent long minutes just staring at this blank Google Doc document thinking “How do I start, what exactly do I say?” and of course the question “Who should I address; new readers or old readers who I ran away from?

But I have to keep reminding myself that I’m doing this for me (and maybe a little bit for you who stumbled on this blog). 

Let me start with a brief introduction of me, this blog, why it exists, and why it looks different. 

I know you probably already checked out the About Me page, but for those who didn’t (I’m not judging you…), this is for you.

Hi! My name is Tanto, I’m a digital marketing professional by day and a gamer by night (I’m not sure if I should address myself as this, but we’ll get more into this later). 

Cup of Tee is my little corner of the internet where I feel safe to share my thoughts and experiences with strangers. To those of you who just stumbled upon this blog, we are not new to this as I have had two Cup of Tee websites before this.

I started Cup of Tee in 2019, so we’re 6 years old now! But unfortunately, consistency has not been my strong suit. I struggled with keeping up with it for the past couple of years now because I’ve been in a weird space where I don’t know what is going on and what I’m doing with my life. I am technically still in that space, but I decided that this is the year I figure it out.

2025 is special to me, I want things to work out. I want to figure out who I am and what I like. 

Old readers know Cup of Tee is where I literally share everything and anything. I had a “talkative phase” lol, but recently I think I’ve gone back into my shell. I don’t want to talk too much or maybe I just don’t have anything to say. But I want to put myself back out there, that’s why this blog is back, and with a new look.

You might be wondering why this blog looks different, and what happened to the old website. Well, I guess this is my way of starting a new chapter. I love the idea of starting afresh. So I want to forget my old blog posts, and just start a new chapter of my life. 

I don’t have a particular direction for this blog. I just want to share my thoughts and experiences with you. You don’t have to read it, but if you do, you’re welcome. 

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Confessions of a Chronic Ghoster: My Struggle with New Friendships